set gChapters = ["INTRO", "ZIONISM", "INDEPENDENCE", "THE JEWISH STATE"] set gArticles = [["Partwork"], ["cutting", "partwork", "partwork", "pic"], ["cutting", "pic", "map", "cutting", "pic"], ["cutting", "cutting", "pic", "partwork", "pic"]] set gDates = [[], ["The Times, Jan 28, 1955", " ", " "], ["The Times, May 15, 1948", 0, 0, "The Times, Jan 27, 1949"], ["The Times, June 6, 1968", "The Times, March 6, 1957", 0, " "]] set gName = getat(["Gurion"],1) @THE SHAPING OF ISRAEL@NEW STATE OF ISRAEL PROCLAIMED###BEN GURION VICTORIOUS IN ELECTIONS@ISRAEL'S LABOUR-OWNED INDUSTRY#MR BEN-GURION DEFENDS INVASION Shortly after he first arrived in Palestine in 1906, Ben Gurion wrote back to his father in Poland, predicting that "we will make something of this land"#Ben Gurion was married in New York on the same day, November 2 1917, as the British Foreign Secretary A.J. Balfour made the Declaration which recognised the Jews' right to establish a homeland in Palestine#In the Twenties Ben Gurion served in the British Army as an NCO in the Royal Fusiliers#Though his Labour Party was often in coalition with religious parties when he was prime minister, Ben Gurion almost never went to synagogue and preferred to study Buddhism#Ben Gurion studied the battles of antiquity related in the Old Testament to help him with military strategy in the War of Independence#6 Ben Gurion was a name which he adopted when first settled in Palestine; it had actually belonged to a Hebrew hero who fought against the Roman occupation